Make the Frame to compose the entire forms, connect it to the menu Form at the right hand side area and make a menu by using Application Menu.
Composition of the Entire Forms –Frame
Make the Frame to compose the entire Form.
Composition of MainFrame
Project Explorer ADL MainFrame Edit
Add or delete Frame by using the “Frame Editor” window and make the composition: Make HFrameSet below MainFrame and then, make two ChildFrames inside of it.
Register FrameSet and ChildFrame and change their properties.
Basic FrameSet(HFrameSet : Horizontal) | ||
properties | properties | properties |
id | HFrameSet0 | Id of HFrameSet |
separatesize | 115,* | Designates the size that is divided into width |
Frame(ChildFrame0) | ||
properties | properties | properties |
id | ChildFrame0 | Id of menu ChildFrame |
formurl | Base::menu.xfdl | Form name to connect to menu ChildFrame |
align | left top | Position of the menu Form |
Frame (ChildFrame1) | ||
properties | value | description |
id | ChildFrame1 | Id of Work ChildFrame |
formurl | Base::person_list.xfdl | Form name to connect to Work ChildFrame |
Composition of the Top Menu (ApplicationMenu)
When the card management system is executed, the entire menus comes up at the top and the form menu does at the right hand side. The top menu has the functions of registration, calling the query form and completion of XPLATFORM which the form menu at the right hand side has.
Project Explorer ADL Insert ADL Item Application Menu
Add or delete Menu by using the “ApplicationMenu Editor” window and then make the composition: Make Menu, about at the very top and make Person List, Person Entry and close below Menu. .
Making the ApplicationMenu Event
In order to prepare the script, select “Project Explorer ADL MainFrame ApplicationMenu”, search the “onmenuclick” event from the event list at the “Properties” window, put the function name to connect to input and press the <Enter> key. Or, by double-clicking the mouse on the blank state, the function name is registered automatically and moves to the script tab of work area. At this time, the function registered automatically is made with “[event name]_[component name] and in case that the function with the same name exists, the input curser moves to the applicable function position of the script tab. When there is not the function with the same name, the function is made at the script and moves to the applicable position.
Preparing the ApplicationMenu Script
Form transition or the version information can be shown or the care management system is finished by controlling the operation based on the information about the selected menu. The script contents to prepare are as follows:
function ApplicationMenu_onmenuclick(obj:ApplicationMenu, e:MenuClickEventInfo) { if ( == "about") { alert("demo version : " + gversion); } else if ( == "close") { mainframe.alert(Quit the program."); exit(); } else { var strformurl = "Base::" + + ".xfdl"; mainframe.HFrameSet0.ChildFrame1.formurl = strformurl; } }