Here is an introduction to the composite component example created in Nexacro Module Developer. This is an example code, and its suitability has not been verified.
Postal Code Search
Here is an example of using the Daum Postal Code Search API. Enter the searched results in the Edit component.
Refer to the link below for details about the Postal Code Search API.
Create a new object using the Composite Component. Set the object id to "DaumPostCode."
In the Design tab, structure the screen as follows.
Component | id | Other Properties | |
1 | Edit | editPostcode | displaynulltext: 우편번호 readonly: true |
2 | Edit | editAddress | displaynulltext: 도로명주소 readonly: true |
3 | Edit | editDetailAddress | displaynulltext: 상세주소 |
4 | Button | btnFindPostcode | text: 우편번호 찾기 |
In the Class Definition tab, modify the constructor code as follows.
Execution in the NRE has not been implemented to simplify the sample implementation. This ensures that the necessary API scripts are handled when the constructor is called.
nexacro.DaumPostCode = function (id, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, minwidth, maxwidth, minheight, maxheight, parent) {, id, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, minwidth, maxwidth, minheight, maxheight, parent); if(system.navigatorname != "nexacro" && system.navigatorname != "nexacro DesignMode") { nexacro.load_daumpostcode(); } else { trace("DaumPostCode composite component supports only the web browsers"); } };
Write the load_daumpostcode function for initially loading the API script as follows,
This approach dynamically inserts the script, and if multiple components are placed, the code should be inserted only once.
nexacro.daumpostcode_loaded = false; nexacro.load_daumpostcode = function() { if (nexacro.daumpostcode_loaded) { return; } nexacro.daumpostcode_loaded = true; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "//"; document.body.appendChild(script); };
Add three properties, postcode, address, and detailAddress, to make it easy for users to check the search results.
Modify the code generated with the postcode
property as follows. Modify the other properties in the same way.
nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype._p_postcode = ""; nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype.set_postcode = function (v) { if(this.form.editPostcode) { this.form.editPostcode.value = v; } this._p_postcode = v; }; Object.defineProperty(nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype, "postcode", { get: new Function("return this._p_postcode"), set: nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype["set_postcode"], enumerable : true, configurable : true}); nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype._p_address = ""; nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype.set_address = function (v) { if(this.form.editAddress) { this.form.editAddress.value = v; } this._p_address = v; }; Object.defineProperty(nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype, "address", { get: new Function("return this._p_address"), set: nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype["set_address"], enumerable : true, configurable : true}); nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype._p_detailAddress = ""; nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype.set_detailAddress = function (v) { if(this.form.editDetailAddress) { this.form.editDetailAddress.value = v; } this._p_detailAddress = v; }; Object.defineProperty(nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype, "detailAddress", { get: new Function("return this._p_detailAddress"), set: nexacro.DaumPostCode.prototype["set_detailAddress"], enumerable : true, configurable : true});
Write the script to display the search window when the Postal Code Search Button component is clicked, as shown below.
The actual returned data contains various properties, but in the example, only the postal code and road name address values are checked.
var that = this; this.btnFindPostcode_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { if(daum) { daum.postcode.load(function(){ new daum.Postcode({ oncomplete: function(data) { that.parent.postcode = data.zonecode; that.parent.address = data.roadAddress; } }).open(); }); } };
Add an onchanged event function to the Edit component for entering the detailed address, so the value can be handled by the detailAddress property, as shown below.
this.editDetailAddress_onchanged = function(obj:nexacro.Edit,e:nexacro.ChangeEventInfo) { this.parent.detailAddress = e.postvalue; };
Deploy the module and install it in Nexacro Studio.
Execution in the NRE is not supported, so testing cannot be done in the emulator. Instead, verify functionality in a web browser after deployment.
Place the DaumPostCode component on the screen and execute it in the NRE.
The component will be visible on the screen but will not function correctly. Messages are displayed in the Output window.
Add a Button component to the screen and write the onclick event as follows:
After searching for the postal code, verify whether the data has been processed in the corresponding properties.
this.Button00_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Button,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { trace(this.DaumPostCode00.postcode); trace(this.DaumPostCode00.address); };
After running in a web browser using QuickView (Ctrl + F6), clicking the “Postal Code Search" button opens a popup window where postal codes can be searched. Click the search result to insert the value into the Edit component.
Click the added button in the example to check the search result in the component's properties. Check the values output in the developer tools console tab.
Toggle Button
A toggle button is similar to a checkbox but is designed to represent the appearance of a physical switch. It is primarily used in mobile apps but is also commonly seen on the web.
The sample implemented in the example refers to the link below.
Create a new object using the Composite Component. Set the object id to ToggleButton.
In the Design tab, structure the screen as follows.
Component | id | Other Properties | |
1 | Static | staticToggleBox | left: 0 top: 0 witdh: 100% height: 100% background: #CCCCCC text: "" |
2 | Static | staticTogglebutton | left: 0 top: 0 witdh: 50% height: 100% background: #FFFFFF border: 4px solid #cccccc text: "" |
Add EnumInfo items to the toggleType property, which allows the appearance of the toggle button to be changed.
To use the two property values, "rectangle" and "rounded," in Enum format, first add the EnumInfo items as shown below.
Add the toggleType property.
Set the edittype item to “Enum” and the enuminfo item to the previously created “ToggleType”. Set the defaultvalue item to “rectangle”.
Modify the automatically generated script code related to the toggleType property as follows.
Adjust the borderRadius property of the Static component based on the selected property value to change its appearance.
nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._p_toggleType = "rectangle"; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.set_toggleType = function (v) { this._p_toggleType = v; var togglebackground = this.form.staticToggleBox; var togglebutton = this.form.staticTogglebutton; if(togglebackground) { if(v=="rounded") { togglebackground.borderRadius = this.form.height+"px"; togglebutton.borderRadius = "50%"; } else { togglebackground.borderRadius = undefined; togglebutton.borderRadius = undefined; } } };
Add two properties, toggleOnColor and toggleOffColor, to specify colors, and modify the script code as shown below.
nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._p_toggleOnColor = "#2196F3"; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.set_toggleOnColor = function (v) { this._p_toggleOnColor = v; this._changecolor(this.value); }; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._p_toggleOffColor= "#CCCCCC"; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.set_toggleOffColor = function (v) { this._p_toggleOffColor= v; this._changecolor(this.value); };
Add the value property and modify the script code as shown below. Set the Edit Type of the value property to “Boolean”.
nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._p_value= false; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.set_value = function (v) { v = this._isChecked(v); if (this._p_value != v) { if (this.applyto_bindSource("value", v)) { this._setValue(v); this._changebutton(this.value); } } }; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._setValue = function (v) { this._p_value = v; };
Add the code to handle the component initialization when it is created.
In the Project Explorer, select the ToggleButton.xcdl file, add the on_create_contents item in the properties window, and modify the code as follows. Initialize the Animation object to apply animation effects when toggling the on and off states of the button upon clicking the component.
The _changecolor function is responsible for changing colors based on the value property. Since the default value cannot be applied immediately when the component initializes in the app, add the code to reapply it in the on_create_contents function.
nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.on_create_contents = function () {; var aniObj = new nexacro.Animation("aniToggleBtn", this); aniObj.easing = "linear"; aniObj.duration = 300; this.form.addChild("aniToggleBtn", aniObj); this.form.aniToggleBtn.addTarget("AniItem00", this.form.staticTogglebutton, "left:0"); this._changecolor(this.value); }; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._changecolor = function (value) { var backgroundvalue = this.toggleOffColor; var bordervalue = "4px solid "+this.toggleOffColor; var togglebackground = this.form.staticToggleBox; var togglebutton = this.form.staticTogglebutton; if(value) { backgroundvalue = this.toggleOnColor; bordervalue = "4px solid "+this.toggleOnColor; } if(togglebackground) { togglebackground.background = backgroundvalue; togglebutton.border = bordervalue; } }
In the Design tab, select the Static component and write the onclick event handler function as follows.
When the Static component within the composite component is clicked, the onclick event of the parent component is handled.
this.staticToggleBox_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Static,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.parent.on_fire_onclick(obj, e.pretext, e.prevalue, e.posttext, e.postvalue); }; this.staticTogglebutton_onclick = function(obj:nexacro.Static,e:nexacro.ClickEventInfo) { this.parent.on_fire_onclick(obj, e.pretext, e.prevalue, e.posttext, e.postvalue); };
Return to the Class Definition tab and add the necessary functions within the on_fire_onclick function.
nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.readonly = false; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype._isChecked = function (value) { return nexacro._toBoolean(value); }; nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.on_fire_canchange = function (obj, prevalue, postvalue) { if (this.canchange && this.canchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CheckBoxChangedEventInfo(this, "canchange", prevalue, postvalue); return this.canchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pToggleButton._changebutton = function (postvalue) { var leftvalue = 0; this._changecolor(postvalue); if(postvalue) { leftvalue = this.form.width/2; } if(this.form.aniToggleBtn) { this.form.aniToggleBtn.items[0].props = "left:"+leftvalue;; } } nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.on_fire_onchanged = function (obj, prevalue, postvalue) { if (this.onchanged && this.onchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CheckBoxChangedEventInfo(this, "onchanged", prevalue, postvalue); return this.onchanged.fireEvent(this, evt); } };
Add and modify the on_fire_onclick object interface function as follows.
nexacro.ToggleButton.prototype.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, meta_key) { var ret =, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, meta_key); if (!this.enable || this.readonly) { return false; } var pre_val = this.value; var post_val; if (this._isChecked(pre_val)) { post_val = false; } else { post_val = true; } var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, pre_val, post_val); if (ret) { if (this.applyto_bindSource("value", post_val)) { this._setValue(post_val); } if (pre_val !== post_val) { this._changebutton(post_val); this.on_fire_onchanged(this, pre_val, post_val); } } return ret; };
Check the functionality in the emulator.
Whether the toggle animation plays when the component is clicked.
Whether the button toggles and changes color when the component is clicked.
Whether the property value is applied when the property is set through a script.
Deploy the module and install it in Nexacro Studio.
Place the ToggleButton component on the screen, run it in a web browser using QuickView (Ctrl + F6), and verify if the button functions and events are triggered.